
Monthly Archives: July 2024

Florida’s Back-to-School Sales-Tax Holiday Returns for Two Weeks in 2024 by Karen A. Lake, CPA

Posted on July 30, 2024 by Karen Lake

As the new school year approaches, the Florida legislature has approved a two-week Back-to-School Sales-Tax Holiday. Between July 29 through August 11, 2024, families can purchase the following essential supplies free of state and local sales tax: Personal computers, laptops, tablets, e-readers and related accessories (i.e., keyboards, monitors, non-recreational software, etc.) selling for $1,500 or […]

Could Your Employees Identify and Stop a Phishing Attempt? by Brandon Bowers

Posted on July 25, 2024 by Brandon Bowers

Businesses and their employees are constantly bombarded by a rising threat of email and text scams that have resulted in millions of dollars in security breaches, lost data, stolen money, interruption to normal business operations and longer-term reputational damage. While businesses should bolster their defenses with a range of cybersecurity hardware and software solutions, they […]

Documents You Need as Your Children Head to College by Deana Love, JD, CPA

Posted on July 22, 2024 by Deana Love

With proper estate planning, people typically execute a series of documents naming their family members or friends to make medical or financial decisions on their behalf when they are unable to do so themselves. Children need similar protections when they age out of being minors and take on adult responsibilities. Under most state laws, the […]

U.S. Taxpayers Living Abroad May Have Opportunities to Claim Tax Refunds for Foreign Tax Credits Applied Against Net Investment Income Tax by Andrew Leonard, CPA

Posted on July 17, 2024 by Andrew Leonard

A recent decision by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims may open the door to a potential deluge of requests for tax refunds from U.S. citizens and resident aliens living or working in foreign countries with which the U.S. has an income tax treaty. In Christensen v. United States, the court interpreted the U.S.-France Income […]

Is Cash or Accrual Accounting Best for My Business Structure? by Shanna Shim, CPA

Posted on July 10, 2024 by Shanna Shim

Small and midsize businesses generally have two options for maintaining their financial books and records: the cash and accrual methods of accounting. While each approach offers businesses unique benefits at different stages of their life cycles, business owners must recognize when they should transition from one method of financial accounting to the other. The cash […]

Florida Introduces Tax Credit for Businesses That Hire Persons with Disabilities by Karen A. Lake, CPA

Posted on July 09, 2024 by Karen Lake

Florida’s Department of Revenue (DOR) is offering qualifying businesses a tax credit against their state corporate income and franchise in tax years 2024, 2024 and 2026 when they hire qualifying employees with physical or intellectual impairments. The maximum tax credit available to qualifying businesses is $10,000 per year. Florida’s Individuals with Unique Abilities Tax Credit […]

Cybersecurity Training Alone is Insufficient to Prevent a Phishing Attack by Brandon Bowers

Posted on July 08, 2024 by Brandon Bowers

Phishing scams and business email compromises (BECs) continue to make headlines, holding the titles as the most common cybersecurity breach method and the most frequently reported crimes to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). Yet, even as businesses step up efforts to help employees learn to recognize the warning signs of these attacks, criminals […]