Category: Business Consulting and Planning

Business Consulting and Planning

Limitation of Deductions for Interest Expense Impact M&A Transactions by Lewis Taub, CPA

Posted on November 03, 2021 by Lewis Taub

For tax year 2021, business interest expense deduction limitations return to their pre-COVID levels, impacting a broad range of business activities, including merger and acquisitions (M&As). Affected companies must prepare to quantify how this reduced benefit will impact their bottom lines and these transactions moving forward. Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) enacted […]

Minimize Future Conflicts in Buy-Sell Agreements by Choosing the Right Valuation Method by David E. Kolan, CPA

Posted on October 28, 2021 by David Kolan

A transfer of business ownership typically follows a triggering event, such as the death, disability, termination, or retirement of a shareholder. In each of these circumstances, disputes can arise due to the conflicting goals of all the parties involved in the transaction. Resolving these disagreements at the time of transfer can prove costly and time […]

Why You Should Max Out Charitable Giving in 2021 by Adam Cohen, CPA

Posted on October 20, 2021 by Adam Cohen

Giving money to charity enables you to support the issues, organizations and causes that are important to you. Not only do these efforts fill you with pride and gratitude, but they may also enable you to reduce your tax liabilities, especially for tax years 2020 and 2021. Individual Taxpayers Among the provisions included in the […]

What’s In the Latest Draft of Proposed Tax Law Changes? by Jeffrey M. Mutnik, CPA/PFS

Posted on October 04, 2021

On September 25, the House Budget Committee voted to approve the latest round of recommended changes to the U.S. tax code as part of the president’s $3.5 trillion Build Back Better Act. The draft legislation calls for higher taxes, but at rates that are not as high as previously proposed. In addition, it fails to […]

Work Opportunity Tax Credits Can be a Win-Win for Employers Facing Staffing Shortages by Karen A. Lake, CPA

Posted on September 16, 2021 by Karen Lake

Despite a strong economic recovery since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses of all sizes are struggling to find and hire ample staff to keep up with demand. For some, relief has come by expanding their pool of potential employees to include veterans, ex-felons and other individuals who typically face significant barriers to employment. […]

Your Businesses May Be Missing Out on R&D Tax Credits by Karen A. Lake, CPA

Posted on September 08, 2021 by Karen Lake

The federal research and development (R&D) tax credit is one of the most valuable tax incentives while also being one of the most misunderstood. Contrary to popular belief, eligibility is not limited to businesses that employ scientists, develop cutting-edge products or make groundbreaking discoveries. Rather, it may apply to businesses, large and small, in a […]

What is Representations and Warranties Insurance? by Daniel S. Hughes, CPA/CFF, CGMA, CVA

Posted on August 31, 2021 by Daniel Hughes

Representations and warranties insurance (RWI) is becoming an increasingly common and required tool to expedite M&A transactions, bridge gaps in deal negotiations and reduce buyers’ and sellers’ risks of financial losses after deals close. At the most basic level, representations are the assertions sellers make about their companies, those entities’ financial positions and past and […]

Exposing Financial Statement Fraud by Richard Pollack, CPA

Posted on August 17, 2021 by Richard Pollack

It has been almost 20 years to the day that one of the country’s largest publicly traded companies filed for bankruptcy protection amid what continues to be cited as one of the largest accounting frauds in history. However, since the collapse of Enron and subsequent enactment of legislation to prevent similar scandals, corporate fraud and […]

Good Tax Planning Starts with Good Recordkeeping by Rick D. Bazzani, CPA

Posted on August 02, 2021 by Rick Bazzani

It is not uncommon to blindly toss documents received throughout the year into a drawer, never to be seen again until it comes time to file your tax returns. This process, however, is not ideal for year-round tax planning, which is critical for tax efficiency and wealth preservation. Instead, take the time now to establish […]