Category: Family Law Services

Family Law Services

It is NOT Defective if it is Intentionally a Grantor Trust by Jeffrey M. Mutnik, CPA/PFS

Posted on February 23, 2022

When establishing a trust, grantors must take special care to ensure trust documents clearly communicate how they intend the trust and its assets be treated for income-tax purposes. While there are a variety of different types of trusts with assorted names and features to meet an equally broad range of needs and goals, one of […]

The Rise in Late-Life Divorces and Resulting Financial Impact by Sandi Perez, CPA/ABV/CFF, CFE

Posted on May 10, 2021 by Sandi Perez

The recent announcement that billionaire couple Bill and Melinda Gates are ending their nearly three-decade marriage highlights the continuing rise in late-life divorces at a time when the national divorce rate among all age groups is declining. With these so-called graying divorces comes an assortment of unique challenges related to divvying up assets, including often-sizable […]

Will Florida Family Courts Begin Valuating Personal Goodwill when Dividing Marital Assets? by Sandra Perez, CPA/ABV/CFF, CFE

Posted on June 13, 2019 by Sandi Perez

A recent circuit court decision in Palm Beach County, Fla., has the potential to change three decades of case law concerning the valuation of business goodwill and equitable distribution of business assets during divorce proceedings. The trial court in the matter of Stephanos v Stephanos accepted the wife’s expert opinion that none of the business’s residual value, […]

The Tax Implications of Divorce and Separation by Joanie B. Stein, CPA

Posted on October 30, 2017 by Joanie Stein

Among the many financial and emotional issues that couples will encounter on their road to a divorce are the implications that a final dissolution of marriage will have on their taxes. Following are some important tax-related issues for separated and divorcing couples to keep in mind. Tax Filing Status Legally separated and divorced couples have […]